Kiera’s Wedding!

Thanks to Dennis Brockman’s brilliant photography (and a great tune by Beyonce), I finally got a chance to put together something from Kiera’s wedding, which I have written about here, here and here. As faithful as God has been in all the details, He was no different on her wedding day. Some of my favorite memories: helping her get her gown and tiera on, hearing that Kisi had been wearing his tux since 2 o’clock (the wedding was at 6!), Pastor Jeff making fun of himself as a white pastor who appreciated the responses from a black congregation, Kiera’s tears of joy, Brandy (my first sister of the sisters looking so grown up and pretty), Kisi sticking his head of of my sunroof at the farewell, Jeff challenging them to build their marriage on the solid rock of Christ. Still rejoicing. . . . .

6 Comments on “Kiera’s Wedding!”

  1. I love this slide show. So beautiful — the bride, the story, your heart and God’s love. AWESOME. I can’t stop grinning.

    • Oh, thank you, my friend. I’ve seen a thousand times in editing it and I can’t stop smiling either 🙂

  2. Judy, that was wonderful. And I am not just talking about the video. (That was wonderful too.) I am proud of you and you should be proud of yourself.

    You make a difference.


  3. Wow, Jude. What a glimpse into a beautiful day. The smile on Kiera’s face never went away! I love it! I kept waiting for a picture of you and her, too. Did I see your straight hair? Gorgeous, my friend, you are–inside and out. God using you to plan this wedding is yet another proof.

  4. Judy,
    You are Awesome. You are developing a legacy in the lives of these women. Thanks for your sacrifice of time, tears and love. YOU ROCK.

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